
Educational Value‑Added Spring School - ‘From data to action’ - Summary

The next edition of Educational Value Added (EVA) Spring School has just ended. During two days we were learning how to conduct small scale school research projects as well as mastering skills in EVA method application. Both workshops were linked by the logic of PCG Navigator - consultancy and training program offered by PCG. Before 10‑hours workshops participants took part in two lectures: “From data to action” provided by Małgorzata Dzimińska and "Scientific method and school" provided by Prof. Roman Dolata.

Over 100 people participated in EVA Spring School: teachers, school principals and educators consultants.

The topic of using data and making decisions based on data is well established among reflective practitioners both EVA experts and school evaluators. In cooperation with these groups, next EVA Schools will be organized on March 30‑31 2017.

Małgorzata Dzimińska during conference inauguration

Prof. Roman Dolata during conference inauguration

Dr Ewa Stożek networking with participants

Maciej Koniewski with participants on one of the workshops

Anna Łajkowska (PCG Poland, Warsaw Office)

0pinion polls among the participants