Condition of education - Diagnosis

Background and goals

In order to constantly develop education and furthermore ascend that level, we need to evolve and measure current condition of education. The purpose for that approach is to objectively highlight areas which are in demand of attention or alterations, preparing recommendations and multitude of options.

Our offer

We are conducting analysis of schools and educational facilities functioning, located in Local Government Unit districts, regarding economics and quality of education, as well as potential of the local educational system. Those are the stages of that process:

  • Educational system desk‑research analysis
  • In‑depth research selected issues
  • Creation of conclusions and recommendations, presentation of a report: „Diagnosis and strategy of education condition for development” in form of a document and multimedia presentation. Both forms will include graphs, charts and transparent visualizations, which are beyond great help to apprehend the most important issues and trends.

Benefits for Self-Governing Authorities

  • Promotion of self‑reliant actions of local autonomies for constant education development
  • Identification areas of possible expenditure reduction, undertaking action to organize and improve high quality teaching effectiveness
  • Document summative analysis, which will be of use as a supporting tool for planning and implementation of educational policy, making strategic decisions improving educational competitiveness, and gathering external funding for those reasons.